iPS Light

innovative iPSC drug development systems for neurodegenerative diseases

iPsLight Project aims at the technological development of human stem cells, re-programmed iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cell) from patients diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases, applicable to industrial pharmaceutical research in combination with leading edge high-content and high-throughput screening (HCS, HTS).

Consortium Partners

Development of iPS lines for pharmacological studies As part of the project, experiments were conducted
Read the article about iPS Light posted on Affaritaliani.it online magazine
iPSLight project has recently passed its halfway. In line with expectations, the goal of creating
Authors Iannielli A, Bido S, Folladori L, Segnali A, Cancellieri C, Maresca A, Massimino L, Rubio A, Morabito G, Caporali L, Tagliavini F, Musumeci O, Gregato G, Bezard